EPF Notices

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) issues notices to employers and employees when it finds any discrepancies in their EPF records. These notices can be either 7a or 7b notices.

7a Notice

A 7a notice is issued to an employer when the EPFO finds that the employer has not deposited the EPF contributions of its employees.

7b Notice

A 7b notice is issued to an employee when the EPFO finds that the employee has not contributed to the EPF scheme.

Shram Suvidha Notices

The EPFO also issues Shra Suvidha Notices to employers who have not complied with the EPFO's online filing requirements. These notices are a warning that the EPFO may take further action, such as filing a case against the employer in court.

Enforcement Officer Inspections

The EPFO may also send an enforcement officer to inspect the premises of an employer if it has reason to believe that the employer is not complying with the EPF Act. The enforcement officer will have the power to examine records, interview employees, and take other steps to investigate the matter.

7A, 7B Extra Section Cases

If an employer or employee fails to comply with the EPF Act, the EPFO may file a case against them in court. These cases are known as extra section cases. Extra section cases can be serious and can result in fines, imprisonment, or both.


The EPFO can resolve extra section cases through a variety of methods, including:


The EPFO and the employer or employee may agree to settle the case by paying a fine or by making other arrangements.


If the parties cannot reach an agreement, the case will be heard by an adjudicator, who will make a decision.


The EPFO may refer the case to a conciliation officer, who will try to help the parties reach an agreement.


The parties may appeal the decision of the adjudicator to the Employees’ Provident Fund Appellate Tribunal (EPF AT)


EPF notices, Shra Suvidha Notices, enforcement officer inspections, and extra section cases can be a serious matter for employers and employees. It is important to comply with the EPF Act and to seek professional advice if you receive a notice or if you are involved in an extra section case.

Here are some additional tips for avoiding EPF notices, Shra Suvidha Notices, enforcement officer inspections, and extra section cases:

  • Make sure that you are registered with the EPFO.
  • Deposit the EPF contributions of your employees on time.
  • Encourage your employees to contribute to the EPF scheme.
  • Keep accurate records of your EPF transactions.
  • Get professional advice if you have any questions about the EPF Act